Day | Time | Room | Title | Authors |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 8:00 – 8:15 AM | 402-403 | Creating Interdisciplinary Conservation Tools: A Case Study on Vaccinating Urban Wildlife | Shriver, C.; Scott, D.; Palakurthy, I.; Hansen, G.; Place, S.; Hu, D.; Schulz, A.K. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 8:15 – 8:30 AM | 402-403 | Effects of roadway disturbances on Side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) behavior and morphology | Sermersheim, L.; Thompson, R.; Lewis, E.; French, S. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 8:15 – 8:30 AM | 301-302 | Costs of pesticide tolerance influence the effect of habitat structure on amphibian disease outcomes | Campbell, M.; Tuthill, B.; Gutierrez, I.V.; Milusich, E.; Hua, J. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 8:30 – 8:45 AM | 301-302 | Consequences of Anthropogenic Fire Suppresion for Lizard Immunity | Adams, D.; Deutsch, M.; Neuman-Lee, L.; Gifford, M. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 11:00 – 11:15 AM | 203-204 | Nighttime light exposure decreases blood glucose levels independent of the adrenocortical response | Pham, K.; Choi, M.; Wada, H. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 10:30 – 10:45 AM | 201-202 | The effects of urbanization on male-male vocal interactions and mate choice | Smit, J.; Cronin, A.; Thijssen, V.; Halfwerk, W. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 10:45 – 11:00 AM | 201-202 | Sound perception in a field cricket (Acanthogryllus asiaticus) and the effect of traffic noise | Krishnan, J.P.; Jain, M.; Singh, R. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 11:00 – 11:15 AM | 201-202 | Red Drum calling behavior interactions with vessel noise at Panama City beach, FL, USA | Price, B.; Cox, T.E.; Boyle, K.; Kirkland, A.; Brunetti, D. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | 1:30 – 1:45 PM | Lonestar H | Nutrient or pollutant? Disentangling the effects of nitrogen on urbanized corals in a changing ocean | Fleming, C.; Rotjan, R.; McAlister, J.; Beery, G.; Motter, I.; Heiger-Bernays, W. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 007 | Biodiversity of Insects in Southern Appalachian Burial Grounds Along an Urbanization Continuum | Koger, J.; Foltz, S.; Lau, J. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 040 | Masking or Distraction? how anthropogenic noise reduces songbird responses to predator threats | Krishna, A.; Chou, T.; Foessesca, M.; Desai, A.; Gail, M. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 048 | Traffic noise informs early development in two species of tadpoles | Flanagan, M.; Gabor, C. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 117 | The relationship between corticosterone and triglycerides across contexts in the common wall lizard | Amer, A.; Gangloff, E.; Reichard, D.; Schill, A.; Mcqueen, W. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 123 | The effect of urbanization on the temperature dynamics of lizards: an experimental approach | Page, N.; Gunderson, A. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 129 | Role of urbanization on life history traits, cognition, physiology, and morphology of Gambusia | Aspbury, A.; Gabor, C.; Levings, S. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 136 | Urbanization and haemosporidian infection in overwintering sparrow communities | Verrett, T.; Dyer, K.; Becker, D. |
Wed., Jan. 4 | Poster | P1 – 212 | Let’s include the ladies: Do morphology-performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards? | Head, A.; Livingston, E.; Perry, C.; Vaughn, P.; Gangloff, E. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | 9:00 – 9:15 AM | Lonestar F | Human-provided food and heterogeneity in aggression in urbanized flocks of American white ibis | Weil, J.; Wilson, C.; Hall, R. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | 10:15 – 10:30 AM | Brazos | Theodolite tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in a busy Texas ship channel | Mills, E.; Orbach, D.; Piwetz, S. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | 2:30 – 2:45 PM | 303-304 | Lead exposure is associated with significant detriments in urban lizards | Blanchette, A.; Finkkelstein, M.; Karubian, J.; Gunderson, A. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | 2:00 – 2:15 PM | Lonestar A | Anthropogenic effects of wildlife-feeding on the physiological health of Bahamian Rock Iguanas | Lewis, E.; Webb, A.; Hudson, S.; Kapheim, K.; Knapp, C.; Iverson, J.; French, S. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | 2:15 – 2:30 PM | Lonestar A | Effects of urbanization and brood parasites on avian telomere length across sexes and age classes | Lane, S.; Vernasco, B.; Fossett, T.; VanDiest, I.; Watts, H.; Sewall, K. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | Poster | P2 – 095 | Frequency of the use of garbage in nest construction by cavity-nesting bird species and correlations | Cox, B.; Foltz, S. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | Poster | P2 – 112 | The effects of nighttime light exposure on avian bacterial killing ability and gut microbiota | Choi, M.; Pham, K.; Choi, W.; Wada, H. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | Poster | P2 – 113 | a test of physiological trade-offs in response to artificial light at night in passerine nestlings | Ferguson, S.; Fimreite, M.; Williams, H.; Danka, E. |
Thurs., Jan. 5 | Poster | P2 – 196 | Changes in circadian rhythm activity of moths subjected in simulated light pollution | Crego, V.M.; Sondhi, Y.; Barredo, E.; Jo, N.; Francisco, E.; Theobald, J. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 9:15 – 9:30 AM | 402-403 | Commonalities in the response of North American salamander skin microbiota to wildfires and roads | Gomez, O.H.; Mulla, L.; Wuerthner, V.; Hua, J. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 11:15 – 11:30 AM | 402-403 | Does the urban bird get the worm? Supplemental food effects on hormones and morphology | Heppner, J.; Ouyang, J. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 11:30 – 11:45 AM | 402-403 | Urbanization, heavy metal pollution, and fitness in house sparrows | Ouyang, J.; Heppner, J.; White, J. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 10:30 – 10:45 AM | 201-202 | Coastal invertebrate larvae vary in their responses to artificial light at night | Charpentier, C.; Barnes, D.; Gidzinski, S.L.; Fuchs, H. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 1:30 – 1:45 PM | Lonestar H | Exposure to high levels of artifical light at night decreases wild moth locomotion | Sondhi, Y.; Theobald, J.; Singh, R.P. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 2:00 – 2:15 PM | Lonestar H | Illuminating the effects of artificial light at night on vocal phenology in the cavity-nesting guild | Friedrich, A.; Miles, D. |
Fri., Jan 6 | 2:15 – 2:30 PM | Lonestar H | Habituation to Artificial Light at Night in Zebra Finches | Alaasam, V.; Ouyang, J. |
Fri., Jan 6 | Poster | P3 – 031 | Shade Coverage and Mosquito Abundance Across Neighborhoods of Different Socioeconomic Status | Reyes, O.H., Guerra, D.; de Valdez, M.W. |
Fri., Jan 6 | Poster | P3 – 070 | Variation across butterfly species in tolerance to heavy metal pollution | Darst, A.; Kemmerling, L.; Snell-Rood, E. |
Fri., Jan 6 | Poster | P3 – 100 | Genomic impacts of population reduction and biological invasion on the common wall lizard | Bode, E.; Park, S.; Gibbs, H.; Petren, K.; Gangloff, E.; Mason, A. |
Fri., Jan 6 | Poster | P3 – 193 | The Anthropogenic Effect of Pigeon Guillemot Nesting Behaviors with a Focus on Provisioning | Molina, C. |
Fri., Jan 6 | Poster | P3 – 241 | Damming evidence for morphological consequences of artificial barriers in riverine steelhead trout |
Galvez, J.
Sat., Jan 7 | 9:30 – 9:45 AM | Lonestar B | Nesting near noise and light-filled nights: The fitness consequences of combined sensory pollutants | Phillips, J.; Jones, T.; Francis, C. |
Sat., Jan 7 | 9:45 – 10:00 AM | Lonestar B | How does sensory pollution and urban vegetation affect avian diversity and nesting success? | Llamas, A.; Jones, T.; Phillips, J. |
Sat., Jan 7 | 10:00 – 10:15 AM | Lonestar B | How Similar are Urban and Rural Arthropod Communities? | VanDiest, I.; Lane, S.; Jones, K.; Fossett, T.; Sewall, K. |
Sat., Jan 7 | 10:15 – 10:30 AM | Lonestar B | Effects of urbanization on early life stages and potential for local adaptation | Cronin, A.; Smit, J.; Halfwerk, W.; Ellers, J. |
Sat., Jan 7 | 10:30 – 10:45 AM | Lonestar B | Defining Whimbrel migration staging sites on the US Gulf Coast | Wolfe, S.; Kneidel, A.; Cimprich, P.; Winn, B.; Schulte, S.; Brown, S.; Clay, R. |
Sat., Jan 7 | 10:45 – 11:00 AM | Lonestar B | Genome-wide parallelism underlies urban morphological adaptation | Winchell, K.; Campbell-Staton, S.; Losos, J.; Revell, L.; Verrelli, B.; Geneva, A. |
Sat., Jan 7 | 2:00 – 2:15 PM | Lonestar F | Effects of anthropogenic noise on cognition and growth in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) | Anderson, R.; Daria, C.; Slevin, M. |
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