Urban Research Resources

Scientific Communication

The Nature of Cities is a website created to explore conversations across disciplines about urbanism. Their page has countless resources, including podcasts, essays, and art exhibitions.

Future Cities is a monthly podcast that discusses all things about cities! Previous episode topics include urban agriculture, climate gentrification, and urban heat islands.

Urban Research Networks

Urban Eco-Evo Network is a collaboration directed by researchers at the University of Washington, McGill University, University of Toronto, Washington University in St. Louis, and Fordham University. The network brings together international researchers from diverse disciplines to study urban eco-evolutionary dynamics.

Rutger University’s Urban Biodiversity Research Coordination Network (UrBioNet) brings together researchers and students who are interested in studying biodiversity in cities.

Long-Term Ecological Research Centers

In 1980, the National Science Foundation started the LTER network to support long-term consistent ecological inquiries and understand the large-scale phenomena at work. There are currently 28 centers across the United States, Puerto Rico, French Polynesia, and Antarctica. Two of these centers are classified as Urban: the Baltimore Ecosystem Study LTER and the Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER.

The Boston Metro Ecological Research station is a collaboration between researchers at several universities and the USDA Forest Service Northern Research System to track the past, current, and future socio-ecological dynamics of the Boston metro area.

Featured image: © Michael Rocha, no rights reserved

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