Reminder: Urban Evolution at SICB 2023

Remember to check out all the incredible research on urban systems at SICB this year! Email Kristin if you’d like to contribute to the blog by covering one of these talks or posters.

Wed., Jan. 48:00 – 8:15 AM402-403Creating Interdisciplinary Conservation Tools: A Case Study on Vaccinating Urban WildlifeShriver, C.; Scott, D.; Palakurthy, I.; Hansen, G.; Place, S.; Hu, D.; Schulz, A.K.
Wed., Jan. 48:15 – 8:30 AM402-403Effects of roadway disturbances on Side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) behavior and morphologySermersheim, L.; Thompson, R.; Lewis, E.; French, S.
Wed., Jan. 48:15 – 8:30 AM301-302Costs of pesticide tolerance influence the effect of habitat structure on amphibian disease outcomesCampbell, M.; Tuthill, B.; Gutierrez, I.V.; Milusich, E.; Hua, J.
Wed., Jan. 48:30 – 8:45 AM301-302Consequences of Anthropogenic Fire Suppresion for Lizard ImmunityAdams, D.; Deutsch, M.; Neuman-Lee, L.; Gifford, M.
Wed., Jan. 411:00 – 11:15 AM203-204Nighttime light exposure decreases blood glucose levels independent of the adrenocortical responsePham, K.; Choi, M.; Wada, H.
Wed., Jan. 410:30 – 10:45 AM201-202The effects of urbanization on male-male vocal interactions and mate choiceSmit, J.; Cronin, A.; Thijssen, V.; Halfwerk, W.
Wed., Jan. 410:45 – 11:00 AM201-202Sound perception in a field cricket (Acanthogryllus asiaticus) and the effect of traffic noiseKrishnan, J.P.; Jain, M.; Singh, R.
Wed., Jan. 411:00 – 11:15 AM201-202Red Drum calling behavior interactions with vessel noise at Panama City beach, FL, USAPrice, B.; Cox, T.E.; Boyle, K.; Kirkland, A.; Brunetti, D.
Wed., Jan. 41:30 – 1:45 PMLonestar HNutrient or pollutant? Disentangling the effects of nitrogen on urbanized corals in a changing oceanFleming, C.; Rotjan, R.; McAlister, J.; Beery, G.; Motter, I.; Heiger-Bernays, W.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 007Biodiversity of Insects in Southern Appalachian Burial Grounds Along an Urbanization ContinuumKoger, J.; Foltz, S.; Lau, J.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 040Masking or Distraction? how anthropogenic noise reduces songbird responses to predator threatsKrishna, A.; Chou, T.; Foessesca, M.; Desai, A.; Gail, M.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 048Traffic noise informs early development in two species of tadpolesFlanagan, M.; Gabor, C.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 117The relationship between corticosterone and triglycerides across contexts in the common wall lizardAmer, A.; Gangloff, E.; Reichard, D.; Schill, A.; Mcqueen, W.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 123The effect of urbanization on the temperature dynamics of lizards: an experimental approachPage, N.; Gunderson, A.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 129Role of urbanization on life history traits, cognition, physiology, and morphology of GambusiaAspbury, A.; Gabor, C.; Levings, S.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 136Urbanization and haemosporidian infection in overwintering sparrow communitiesVerrett, T.; Dyer, K.; Becker, D.
Wed., Jan. 4PosterP1 – 212Let’s include the ladies: Do morphology-performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards?Head, A.; Livingston, E.; Perry, C.; Vaughn, P.; Gangloff, E.
Thurs., Jan. 59:00 – 9:15 AMLonestar FHuman-provided food and heterogeneity in aggression in urbanized flocks of American white ibisWeil, J.; Wilson, C.; Hall, R.
Thurs., Jan. 510:15 – 10:30 AMBrazosTheodolite tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in a busy Texas ship channelMills, E.; Orbach, D.; Piwetz, S.
Thurs., Jan. 52:30 – 2:45 PM303-304Lead exposure is associated with significant detriments in urban lizardsBlanchette, A.; Finkkelstein, M.; Karubian, J.; Gunderson, A.
Thurs., Jan. 52:00 – 2:15 PMLonestar AAnthropogenic effects of wildlife-feeding on the physiological health of Bahamian Rock IguanasLewis, E.; Webb, A.; Hudson, S.; Kapheim, K.; Knapp, C.; Iverson, J.; French, S.
Thurs., Jan. 52:15 – 2:30 PMLonestar AEffects of urbanization and brood parasites on avian telomere length across sexes and age classesLane, S.; Vernasco, B.; Fossett, T.; VanDiest, I.; Watts, H.; Sewall, K.
Thurs., Jan. 5PosterP2 – 095Frequency of the use of garbage in nest construction by cavity-nesting bird species and correlationsCox, B.; Foltz, S.
Thurs., Jan. 5PosterP2 – 112The effects of nighttime light exposure on avian bacterial killing ability and gut microbiotaChoi, M.; Pham, K.; Choi, W.; Wada, H.
Thurs., Jan. 5PosterP2 – 113a test of physiological trade-offs in response to artificial light at night in passerine nestlingsFerguson, S.; Fimreite, M.; Williams, H.; Danka, E.
Thurs., Jan. 5PosterP2 – 196Changes in circadian rhythm activity of moths subjected in simulated light pollutionCrego, V.M.; Sondhi, Y.; Barredo, E.; Jo, N.; Francisco, E.; Theobald, J.
Fri., Jan 69:15 – 9:30 AM402-403Commonalities in the response of North American salamander skin microbiota to wildfires and roadsGomez, O.H.; Mulla, L.; Wuerthner, V.; Hua, J.
Fri., Jan 611:15 – 11:30 AM402-403Does the urban bird get the worm? Supplemental food effects on hormones and morphologyHeppner, J.; Ouyang, J.
Fri., Jan 611:30 – 11:45 AM402-403Urbanization, heavy metal pollution, and fitness in house sparrowsOuyang, J.; Heppner, J.; White, J.
Fri., Jan 610:30 – 10:45 AM201-202Coastal invertebrate larvae vary in their responses to artificial light at nightCharpentier, C.; Barnes, D.; Gidzinski, S.L.; Fuchs, H.
Fri., Jan 61:30 – 1:45 PMLonestar HExposure to high levels of artifical light at night decreases wild moth locomotionSondhi, Y.; Theobald, J.; Singh, R.P.
Fri., Jan 62:00 – 2:15 PMLonestar HIlluminating the effects of artificial light at night on vocal phenology in the cavity-nesting guildFriedrich, A.; Miles, D.
Fri., Jan 62:15 – 2:30 PMLonestar HHabituation to Artificial Light at Night in Zebra FinchesAlaasam, V.; Ouyang, J.
Fri., Jan 6PosterP3 – 031Shade Coverage and Mosquito Abundance Across Neighborhoods of Different Socioeconomic StatusReyes, O.H., Guerra, D.; de Valdez, M.W.
Fri., Jan 6PosterP3 – 070Variation across butterfly species in tolerance to heavy metal pollutionDarst, A.; Kemmerling, L.; Snell-Rood, E.
Fri., Jan 6PosterP3 – 100Genomic impacts of population reduction and biological invasion on the common wall lizardBode, E.; Park, S.; Gibbs, H.; Petren, K.; Gangloff, E.; Mason, A.
Fri., Jan 6PosterP3 – 193The Anthropogenic Effect of Pigeon Guillemot Nesting Behaviors with a Focus on Provisioning Molina, C.
Fri., Jan 6PosterP3 – 241

Damming evidence for morphological consequences of artificial barriers in riverine steelhead trout

Galvez, J.

Sat., Jan 79:30 – 9:45 AMLonestar BNesting near noise and light-filled nights: The fitness consequences of combined sensory pollutantsPhillips, J.; Jones, T.; Francis, C.
Sat., Jan 79:45 – 10:00 AMLonestar BHow does sensory pollution and urban vegetation affect avian diversity and nesting success?Llamas, A.; Jones, T.; Phillips, J.
Sat., Jan 710:00 – 10:15 AMLonestar BHow Similar are Urban and Rural Arthropod Communities?VanDiest, I.; Lane, S.; Jones, K.; Fossett, T.; Sewall, K.
Sat., Jan 710:15 – 10:30 AMLonestar BEffects of urbanization on early life stages and potential for local adaptationCronin, A.; Smit, J.; Halfwerk, W.; Ellers, J.
Sat., Jan 710:30 – 10:45 AMLonestar BDefining Whimbrel migration staging sites on the US Gulf CoastWolfe, S.; Kneidel, A.; Cimprich, P.; Winn, B.; Schulte, S.; Brown, S.; Clay, R.
Sat., Jan 710:45 – 11:00 AMLonestar BGenome-wide parallelism underlies urban morphological adaptationWinchell, K.; Campbell-Staton, S.; Losos, J.; Revell, L.; Verrelli, B.; Geneva, A.
Sat., Jan 72:00 – 2:15 PMLonestar FEffects of anthropogenic noise on cognition and growth in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)Anderson, R.; Daria, C.; Slevin, M.
Olivia Weklar

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