SICB 2023: January 4th Summary

Be sure to check out today’s Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB!

8:00 – 8:15 AM402-403Creating Interdisciplinary Conservation Tools: A Case Study on Vaccinating Urban WildlifeShriver, C.; Scott, D.; Palakurthy, I.; Hansen, G.; Place, S.; Hu, D.; Schulz, A.K.
8:15 – 8:30 AM402-403Effects of roadway disturbances on Side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) behavior and morphologySermersheim, L.; Thompson, R.; Lewis, E.; French, S.
8:15 – 8:30 AM301-302Costs of pesticide tolerance influence the effect of habitat structure on amphibian disease outcomesCampbell, M.; Tuthill, B.; Gutierrez, I.V.; Milusich, E.; Hua, J.
8:30 – 8:45 AM301-302Consequences of Anthropogenic Fire Suppression for Lizard ImmunityAdams, D.; Deutsch, M.; Neuman-Lee, L.; Gifford, M.
10:30 – 10:45 AM201-202The effects of urbanization on male-male vocal interactions and mate choiceSmit, J.; Cronin, A.; Thijssen, V.; Halfwerk, W.
10:45 – 11:00 AM201-202Sound perception in a field cricket (Acanthogryllus asiaticus) and the effect of traffic noiseKrishnan, J.P.; Jain, M.; Singh, R.
11:00 – 11:15 AM201-202Red Drum calling behavior interactions with vessel noise at Panama City Beach, FL, USAPrice, B.; Cox, T.E.; Boyle, K.; Kirkland, A.; Brunetti, D.
11:00 – 11:15 AM203-204Nighttime light exposure decreases blood glucose levels independent of the adrenocortical responsePham, K.; Choi, M.; Wada, H.
1:30 – 1:45 PMLonestar HNutrient or pollutant? Disentangling the effects of nitrogen on urbanized corals in a changing oceanFleming, C.; Rotjan, R.; McAlister, J.; Beery, G.; Motter, I.; Heiger-Bernays, W.
PosterP1 – 007Biodiversity of Insects in Southern Appalachian Burial Grounds Along an Urbanization ContinuumKoger, J.; Foltz, S.; Lau, J.
PosterP1 – 040Masking or Distraction? how anthropogenic noise reduces songbird responses to predator threatsKrishna, A.; Chou, T.; Foessesca, M.; Desai, A.; Gail, M.
PosterP1 – 048Traffic noise informs early development in two species of tadpolesFlanagan, M.; Gabor, C.
PosterP1 – 117The relationship between corticosterone and triglycerides across contexts in the common wall lizardAmer, A.; Gangloff, E.; Reichard, D.; Schill, A.; Mcqueen, W.
PosterP1 – 123The effect of urbanization on the temperature dynamics of lizards: an experimental approachPage, N.; Gunderson, A.
PosterP1 – 129Role of urbanization on life history traits, cognition, physiology, and morphology of GambusiaAspbury, A.; Gabor, C.; Levings, S.
PosterP1 – 136Urbanization and haemosporidian infection in overwintering sparrow communitiesVerrett, T.; Dyer, K.; Becker, D.
Poster P1 – 212Let’s include the ladies: Do morphology-performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards?Head, A.; Livingston, E.; Perry, C.; Vaughn, P.; Gangloff, E.
Olivia Weklar

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