SICB 2023: January 5th Summary

Be sure to check out today’s Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB!

9:00 – 9:15 AMLonestar FHuman-provided food and heterogeneity in aggression in urbanized flocks of American white ibisWeil, J.; Wilson, C.; Hall, R.
10:15 – 10:30 AMBrazosTheodolite tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in a busy Texas ship channelMills, E.; Orbach, D.; Piwetz, S.
2:00 – 2:15 PMLonestar AAnthropogenic effects of wildlife-feeding on the physiological health of Bahamian Rock IguanasLewis, E.; Webb, A.; Hudson, S.; Kapheim, K.; Knapp, C.; Iverson, J.; French, S.
2:15 – 2:30 PMLonestar AEffects of urbanization and brood parasites on avian telomere length across sexes and age classesLane, S.; Vernasco, B.; Fossett, T.; VanDiest, I.; Watts, H.; Sewall, K.
2:30 – 2:45 PM303-304Lead exposure is associated with significant detriments in urban lizardsBlanchette, A.; Finkkelstein, M.; Karubian, J.; Gunderson, A.
PosterP2 – 095Frequency of the use of garbage in nest construction by cavity-nesting bird species and correlationsCox, B.; Foltz, S.
PosterP2 – 112The effects of nighttime light exposure on avian bacterial killing ability and gut microbiotaChoi, M.; Pham, K.; Choi, W.; Wada, H.
PosterP2 – 113a test of physiological trade-offs in response to artificial light at night in passerine nestlingsFerguson, S.; Fimreite, M.; Williams, H.; Danka, E.
PosterP2 – 196Changes in circadian rhythm activity of moths subjected in simulated light pollutionCrego, V.M.; Sondhi, Y.; Barredo, E.; Jo, N.; Francisco, E.; Theobald, J.
Olivia Weklar

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