SICB 2023: January 6th Summary

Be sure to check out today’s Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB!

9:15 – 9:30 AM402-403Commonalities in the response of North American salamander skin microbiota to wildfires and roadsGomez, O.H.; Mulla, L.; Wuerthner, V.; Hua, J.
10:30 – 10:45 AM201-202Coastal invertebrate larvae vary in their responses to artificial light at nightCharpentier, C.; Barnes, D.; Gidzinski, S.L.; Fuchs, H.
11:15 – 11:30 AM402-403Does the urban bird get the worm? Supplemental food effects on hormones and morphologyHeppner, J.; Ouyang, J.
11:30 – 11:45 AM402-403Urbanization, heavy metal pollution, and fitness in house sparrowsOuyang, J.; Heppner, J.; White, J.
1:30 – 1:45 PMLonestar HExposure to high levels of artificial light at night decreases wild moth locomotionSondhi, Y.; Theobald, J.; Singh, R.P.
2:00 – 2:15 PMLonestar HIlluminating the effects of artificial light at night on vocal phenology in the cavity-nesting guildFriedrich, A.; Miles, D.
2:15 – 2:30 PMLonestar HHabituation to Artificial Light at Night in Zebra FinchesAlaasam, V.; Ouyang, J.
PosterP3 – 031Shade Coverage and Mosquito Abundance Across Neighborhoods of Different Socioeconomic StatusReyes, O.H., Guerra, D.; de Valdez, M.W.
PosterP3 – 070Variation across butterfly species in tolerance to heavy metal pollutionDarst, A.; Kemmerling, L.; Snell-Rood, E.
PosterP3 – 100Genomic impacts of population reduction and biological invasion on the common wall lizardBode, E.; Park, S.; Gibbs, H.; Petren, K.; Gangloff, E.; Mason, A.
PosterP3 – 193The Anthropogenic Effect of Pigeon Guillemot Nesting Behaviors with a Focus on Provisioning Molina, C.
PosterP3 – 241

Damming evidence for morphological consequences of artificial barriers in riverine steelhead trout

Galvez, J.

Olivia Weklar

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