Urban Wildlife in Albuquerque

Check out this video of Zoë Rossman discussing the vibrant and diverse wildlife in Albuquerque, New Mexico!

Zoë is a wildlife photographer and Ph.D. candidate studying urban coyotes (Canis latrans), and other large mammals, at the University of New Mexico. In 2021, she sat down with Laura Paskus of New Mexico PBS to discuss Albuquerque wildlife, characteristics that have allowed them to colonize cities, and how future urban growth can support wildlife communities. @ABQCityNature recently posted this educational clip to drum up excitement about urban biodiversity in preparation for the City Nature Challenge!

The City Nature Challenge is an annual competition among hundreds of international cities to increase awareness of urban biodiversity. Last year’s challenge totaled 1,694,877 observations, 50,176+ species, and 67,220 participants across 450+ cities worldwide. Check if your city is participating in this year’s challenge! If not, join the global project this year and sign-up your city to participate in 2024’s challenge!

This year’s challenge is active from April 28 – May 1, 2023. All iNaturalist observations posted within a participating city will automatically count for the challenge. We will post a reminder in late April, so get ready to record as many iNaturalist observations as possible!

Featured image: © bobnieman, some rights reserved (CC-BY)

Olivia Weklar

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