New Lit Alert: Variation in Pheidole nodus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) functional morphology across urban parks

Variation in Pheidole nodus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) functional morphology across urban parks

Y Luo, QM Wei, C Newman, XQ Huang, XY Luo, ZM Zhou



Habitat fragmentation and consequent population isolation in urban areas can impose significant selection pressures on individuals and species confined to urban islands, such as parks. Despite many comparative studies on the diversity and structure of ant community living in urban areas, studies on ants’ responses to these highly variable ecosystems are often based on assemblage composition and interspecific mean trait values, which ignore the potential for high intraspecific functional trait variation among individuals.


Here, we examined differences in functional traits among populations of the generalist ant Pheidole nodus fragmented between urban parks. We used pitfall trapping, which is more random and objective than sampling colonies directly, despite a trade-off against sample size. We then tested whether trait-filtering could explain phenotypic differences among urban park ant populations, and whether ant populations in different parks exhibited different phenotypic optima, leading to positional shifts in anatomical morphospace through the regional ant meta-population.


Intraspecific morphological differentiation was evident across this urban region. Populations had different convex hull volumes, positioned differently over the morphospace.


Fragmentation and habitat degradation reduced phenotypic diversity and, ultimately, changed the morphological optima of populations in this urban landscape. Considering ants’ broad taxonomic and functional diversity and their important role in ecosystems, further work over a variety of ant taxa is necessary to ascertain those varied morphological response pathways operating in response to population segregation in urban environments.

Read the study

Luo, Y., Wei, Q. M., Newman, C., Huang, X. Q., Luo, X. Y., & Zhou, Z. M. (2023). Variation in Pheidole nodus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) functional morphology across urban parks. PeerJ11, e15679.

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Featured photo: © Sus scrofa, some rights reserved (CC-BY)

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