Evolution 2021! Day 5

The annual Evolution meeting (ASN, SSE, SSB) officially kicked off Monday (virtually)! If you are presenting, consider writing a short summary of your talk for the blog (as we have done in the past for in-person conferences). And if you're attending, we've got you covered here with a list of do-not-miss urban evolution talks! (As... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2021! Day 4

The annual Evolution meeting (ASN, SSE, SSB) officially kicked off Monday (virtually)! If you are presenting, consider writing a short summary of your talk for the blog (as we have done in the past for in-person conferences). And if you're attending, we've got you covered here with a list of do-not-miss urban evolution talks! (As... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2021! Day 3

The annual Evolution meeting (ASN, SSE, SSB) officially kicked off Monday (virtually)! If you are presenting, consider writing a short summary of your talk for the blog (as we have done in the past for in-person conferences). And if you're attending, we've got you covered here with a list of do-not-miss urban evolution talks! (As... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2021! Day 2

The annual Evolution meeting (ASN, SSE, SSB) officially kicked off yesterday (virtually)! If you are presenting, consider writing a short summary of your talk for the blog (as we have done in the past for in-person conferences). And if you're attending, we've got you covered here with a list of do-not-miss urban evolution talks! (As... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2021! Day 1

The annual Evolution meeting (ASN, SSE, SSB) officially kicks off tomorrow (virtually)! If you are presenting, consider writing a short summary of your talk for the blog (as we have done in the past for in-person conferences). And if you're attending, we've got you covered here with a list of do-not-miss urban evolution talks! (As... Continue Reading →

CSEE2020: Variation in Pollinator-mediated Plant Reproduction Across an Urbanization Gradient

Recently, Ruth Rivkin shared some of her dissertation work with the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE). Urban habitats are more fragmented and degraded than nonurban habitats, which can impact both the ecology and evolution of species interactions. Species interaction may be particularly sensitive to urbanization because the species involved may be responding to... Continue Reading →

SICB 2020: Artificial Light at Night and West Nile Virus in House Sparrows

As habitats become increasingly urbanized, wildlife are exposed to artificial light at night (ALAN). Greater exposure to ALAN can have detrimental effects on animal physiology, such as suppressing components of the host immune system. However, how these changes ultimately affect infectious disease dynamics remains poorly understood. Meredith Kernbach, a PhD candidate at the University of... Continue Reading →

SICB 2020: Urban Lizards Lay Lower Quality Eggs

The decisions that a parent makes or conditions that a parent experiences can influence the survival and fitness of their offspring. These transgenerational effects, in which impacts of the environment on one generation impact subsequent generations, are widespread and can originate with both mothers and fathers. In organisms that make eggs, the environments mothers experience... Continue Reading →

Urban Evolution at SICB 2020

The annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is here! From January 3-7 biologists will convene in Austin, Texas to share the latest and greatest from a broad range of research areas. Urban evolution talks have a strong showing at the meeting this year, and we would like to hear about... Continue Reading →

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