What’s Missing in Urban Ecology?

Urban ecology, although a burgeoning field, is becoming massive. In this field, there is much to think about when developing a question investigating the effect of “urbanization” on a particular species. Even within “urbanization” (which most urban ecologists recognize as just semantics and not a clear definition), there are many quantifications for this (see Moll... Continue Reading →

Urbanisation Exposes Birds to Metal Pollution

Parallel, urban-driven phenotypic changes There is increasing evidence that, for a given species, individuals inhabiting cities often differ from their counterparts outside of cities. Such differences may result from individuals suffering from environmental conditions in cities. For instance, my colleague Michela Corsini showed that, in the great tit (Parus major) and the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus),... Continue Reading →

Incorporating Human Society into Urban Ecology

Urban habitats and landscapes are considerably different from their rural and natural counterparts. Rural and natural habitats experience diluted human effects (e.g., disturbance, low pollution), while urban areas and urban wildlife endure more significant impacts from humans. When we think about the influence of cities and urbanization, we typically think of more "direct" impacts such... Continue Reading →

Back to the Basics: What is Urban Evolution?

Urban evolution can have different meanings depending on what field you come from. If you are an urban planner, it might mean that urban areas are getting larger, even using sustainable energy sources where they didn't previously. For some architects it may mean that they now figure out how to put green roofs on buildings.... Continue Reading →

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