In ecological studies, ants are commonly used as bio-indicators because they are able to respond to rapid changes in their environments. This also makes them a great system to use in urban studies given the rapid changes that urbanization poses on ecosystems. However, there studies that look at the evolutionary patterns of ants in response... Continue Reading →
Evolution 2019: Cities Accelerate Metabolic Rate and Diminish Thermal Sensitivity in Acorn Ants
Here’s an idea for the newest weight loss fad: live in a city. In her presentation at Evolution 2019, Dr. Sarah Diamond showed that the resting metabolic rate of urban acorn ants was higher than that of rural colonies. This research, conducted by Dr. Diamond and coauthors Lacy Chick and James Waters, looked at the metabolic... Continue Reading →
Evolution 2019: A Test for Transgenerational Plasticity in the Adaptive Divergence of Acorn Ant Thermal Tolerance Across an Urban-Rural Temperature Cline
Populations are often challenged to live in novel or rapidly changing environments. This is probably most clear in cities where new habitat is being created causing native species to encounter novel habitat features. But because of this, cities set the stage to help researchers understand the plastic and evolutionary shifts that occur in wild organisms.... Continue Reading →