The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat suitability in a human-modified landscape E Gonzalez-Bernardo, MDM Delgado, DGG Matos, A Zarzo-Arias, A Morales-Gonzalez, H Ruiz-Villar, M Skuban, L Maiorano, P Ciucci, J Balbontin, V Penteriani Abstract Roads are human infrastructure that heavily affect wildlife, often with marked impacts on carnivores, including... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Dumpster Diving Bear
As cities continue to encroach on natural landscapes, bear sightings have become more frequent. If you've ever been camping where there's bears, you know that they have to design special trash bins to keep bears out. So what do we do when they are in the city? We have to design ways to keep bears... Continue Reading →