Check out this Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) soaring over the suburban streets of Texas! These birds are usually seen in more rural environments, such as farmlands or long stretches of road, but I was pleasantly surprised to have this bird soar close over my head as I walked my dog. Check out the nictitating membrane... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Influence of habitat type and distance from source area on bird taxonomic and functional diversity in a Neotropical megacity
Influence of habitat type and distance from source area on bird taxonomic and functional diversity in a Neotropical megacity Marcos Antônio Melo, Patrícia Mara Sanches, Demóstenes F. Silva Filho & Augusto João Piratelli Abstract The Neotropical region has been subjected to massive urbanization, which poses high risks for some global biodiversity hotspots and losses of... Continue Reading →
(Sub)Urban Observation: Feral Muscovy Ducks
When I returned to my hometown suburb in Texas, I was greeted by the familiar sight of Muscovy Ducks (Cairina moschata) hanging out in and around the numerous constructed wetlands that keep my suburb from going underwater. Notably, male Muscovy Ducks are the largest duck in North America! Despite being such a common sight in... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation: Clash of the Titans
While huddled up in a nook on my apartment's rooftop, camera set up and aimed at the skies above, I briefly witnessed a skirmish between a Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) and a Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus). I was able to document the interaction above my head with the featured image above. I feel so honored... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Unexpected dispersal of Australian brush-turkeys (Alectura lathami) in an urban landscape
Unexpected dispersal of Australian brush-turkeys (Alectura lathami) in an urban landscape MATTHEW J. HALL, JOHN M. MARTIN, ALICIA L. BURNS, AND DIETER F. HOCHULI Abstract Australian brush-turkeys (Alectura lathami) are atypical urban colonising birds due to their poor flight and dispersal ability, ground foraging and nesting behaviour, and lack of parental care for their chicks.... Continue Reading →
Urbanization and the Avian Endocrine System
In a previous post titled Meta-analysis of Urban Bird Phenology, we discussed how urban conditions have affected the average value of phenology and reproductive phenotypes in bird species. Capilla-Lasheras et al. found that urban bird populations had lower values than their non-urban conspecifics for three life-history traits, indicating earlier lay dates, smaller clutch sizes, and... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation: Great Blue Heron
Check out this Great Blue Heron's fun new perch! Kate spotted a heron sitting very comfortably on a discarded deck chair in Surrey, BC. Based on the condition of that chair, looks like lots of individuals have been utilizing this transplant toilet! Do you have a photo or video of an urban species doing something... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Red-Tailed Hawk
Check out this Red-Tailed Hawk going dumpster diving in Morningside Park on Wednesday. This resourceful hawk didn't hesitate to dive in and search for an afternoon snack, along with a shopping receipt! The hawk appeared very comfortable hopping in and out of the trashcan without injuring its wings. Perhaps this is a new behavior to... Continue Reading →
Meta-analysis of Urban Bird Phenology
Humans have significantly impacted environmental conditions and landscapes for several decades through our urban expansion. These changes have produced selective pressures different from those present in non-urban areas. In response to these selective pressures, many species have diverged in physical, behavioral, and reproductive traits between their urban and non-urban populations. In addition, urban landscapes are... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Plenty of rooftops with few neighbours occupied by young breeding Yellow-legged Gulls (Larus michahellis): does this occur at the expense of their health condition?
Plenty of rooftops with few neighbours occupied by young breeding Yellow-legged Gulls (Larus michahellis): does this occur at the expense of their health condition? Joana Pais De Faria, Vitor H. Paiva, Sara N. Veríssimo, Catarina S. Lopes, Rita Soares, João Oliveira, Ivo dos Santos, Ana C. Norte, Jaime A. Ramos Abstract Gull populations, as largely... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Nesting Site and Plumage Color Are the Main Traits Associated with Bird Species Presence in Urban Areas
Nesting Site and Plumage Color Are the Main Traits Associated with Bird Species Presence in Urban Areas Lucas M. Leveau & Isis Ibáñez Abstract Urban areas are expected to grow in the next decades, filtering bird species from the regional pool based on their life history traits. Although the impact of urbanization on traits such... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Habitat provision is a major driver of native bird communities in restored urban forests
Habitat provision is a major driver of native bird communities in restored urban forests Elizabeth Elliot Noe, John Innes, Andrew D. Barnes, Chaitanya Joshi, Bruce D. Clarkson Abstract 1. Urbanization, and the drastic loss of habitat it entails, poses a major threat to global avian biodiversity. Ecological restoration of urban forests is therefore increasingly vital... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Cat colonies and flight initiation distances of urban birds: Dealing with conflicting sources of citizen wellbeing
Cat colonies and flight initiation distances of urban birds: Dealing with conflicting sources of citizen wellbeing Mario Díaz, Jonatan Fernández, Alicia Page Abstract Feral cat colonies in cities improve the wellbeing of people who feed and care for them, but they can have negative effects on biodiversity due to the predatory behaviour of cats. We... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Jamaican Yellow-Billed Parrot
Urban trees support diverse wildlife, as Jamaican biologist and naturalist Damany Calder pointed out in Instagram this week with his observation of the Yellow-Billed Parrot (Amazona collaria), endemic to Jamaica and vulnerable to extinction, in a Black Olive tree (Terminalia buceras) in the middle of a busy parking lot of a shopping center in Kingston!... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Which Traits Influence Bird Survival in the City? A Review
Which Traits Influence Bird Survival in the City? A Review Swaroop Patankar, Ravi Jambhekar, Kulbhushansingh Ramesh Suryawanshi, and Harini Nagendra Abstract Urbanization poses a major threat to biodiversity worldwide. We focused on birds as a well-studied taxon of interest, in order to review literature on traits that influence responses to urbanization. We review 226 papers... Continue Reading →