Urban Observation of the Week: Winter Owls

As winter is finally ending and warmer weather is on the way, we bring you one more winter observation. Many birds fly south for the winter, but some stick around and brave the cold. This owl is one of those birds that stayed in the city during the winter months. https://twitter.com/ABBestphotos/status/1226710932547502080?s=20 Do you have a... Continue Reading →

Cities’ Shrinking Gene Pools

PDF version of infographic Download Full paper here: Schmidt, C., Domaratzki, M., Kinnunen, R. P., Bowman, J., & Garroway, C. J. (2020). Continent-wide effects of urbanization on bird and mammal genetic diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1920), 20192497. doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.2497

Pigeon Feet in the City

If you've walked around a city with pigeons, you might have noticed that many of them are missing toes or have deformed feet. These foot deformities are common and may arise due to a number of different ailments including: chemicals that make surfaces sticky or apply an unpleasant odor; physical deterrents that are placed on... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Inclusive Urban Ecosystems

Following the plenary at IUWC 2019, this session focused on integrating urban ecology research with community engagement. The speakers here built on some of the ideas expressed by Chris Schell previously on this site. Pigeons & Passers-by Elizabeth Carlen, an editor for this blog and PhD student in the Biological Sciences department at Fordham University... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Drivers of Bird and Arthropod Diversity in Portland Yards

Urban yards have a large potential for providing habitat, and important considerations when studying these spaces are the tritrophic interactions between plant species, herbivores, and predators. Dr. Marion Dresner, Professor at Portland State University, has spent years studying these interactions in backyard habitats and is particularly interested in understanding how the management of backyards provides... Continue Reading →

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