When your car isn't running as smoothly as it used to, you take it into the car shop to get it checked out. Most of the time, there's some component that got old and needs to be replaced. Sometimes, there's wildlife hanging out in the warmth of the engine. This bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea) chewed... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Queen Bee on a Car
Typically, researchers have found that many different species of bee populations decline in urban areas. But not all bees do poorly in the city. Here is a swarm that piled onto a car while someone was shopping at their local pharmacy! Do you have a photo or video of an urban species doing something unusual?... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Travelling Spiders
If you have ever been to the desert Southwest (of the USA), you have probably noticed spider webs throughout the summer and even in early fall. And even if you have not noticed the webs, you'll likely have seen leaves that look like they are floating in the air, which is really leaves stuck in... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Car Nesting Birds
Spring is in the air and birds are nesting... Sometimes on your car?!?