New Lit Alert: Parallel Signatures of Diet Adaptation in the Invasive Common Myna Genome

Parallel Signatures of Diet Adaptation in the Invasive Common Myna Genome Kamolphat Atsawawaranunt, Katarina C. Stuart, Annabel Whibley, Kyle M. Ewart, Richard E. Major, Rebecca N. Johnson, Anna W. Santure Abstract Invasive species offer uniquely replicated model systems to study rapid adaptation. The common myna (Acridotheres tristis) has been introduced to over a dozen countries and is classified as one of... Continue Reading →

New Lit Alert: Effects of urbanization on the trophic niche of the brown anole, a widespread invasive lizard

Effects of urbanization on the trophic niche of the brown anole, a widespread invasive lizard Zachary A.Chejanovski, Sean T.Giery, Jason J.Kolbe Abstract Urbanization is one of the most dramatic forms of environmental change with the potential to alter trophic relationships among organisms in cities. In this study, we combine gut-content and stable isotope analyses of... Continue Reading →

New Lit Alert: Downtown diet: a global meta-analysis of increased urbanization on the diets of vertebrate predators

Downtown diet: a global meta-analysis of increased urbanization on the diets of vertebrate predators Siria Gámez, Abigail Potts, Kirby L. Mills, Aurelia A. Allen, Allyson Holman, Peggy M. Randon, Olivia Linson and Nyeema C. Harris Abstract Predation is a fundamental ecological process that shapes communities and drives evolutionary dynamics. As the world rapidly urbanizes, it... Continue Reading →

Urban Adaptation in Mammals

Mammals are some of the most easily recognizable and endearing critters to share our cities with us. Who doesn't love a cute bunny or squirrel in a city park? Or a fox or raccoon slinking through the streets at night. Even city rats can be endearing. Despite the commonality of these species, urban areas are... Continue Reading →

Urban Observation of the Week: Pizza Rat

We are starting a new post type here, weekly urban observations. To kick this off, here is the classic pizza rat! New York City has lots of urban wildlife that seem to really do well with humans. We've discussed rats previously on our blog, along with how urbanization might influence the diets of Darwin's Finches... Continue Reading →

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