Urban Roosts: Use of Buildings by Florida Bonneted Bats Elysia N. Webb, Holly K. Ober, Elizabeth C. Braun de Torrez, Jeffery A. Gore, and Ricardo Zambrano Abstract Florida Bonneted Bats, Eumops floridanus, were first documented in Miami, Florida, USA, in the 1930s. We summarized reports of these bats in the greater Miami area throughout the past... Continue Reading →
Invaded Invasives: Do urban lizards have more parasites and how might this influence their ecology?
Anole invasion One of my favorite things about Florida, besides the warm weather, is that it's home to several anole lizards that have invaded from nearby. Some lizards invaders come from Cuba, like the brown anole (Anolis sagrei). Others, like the crested anole (Anolis cristatellus) come from Puerto Rico (like me!). This makes Florida a fascinating... Continue Reading →