Rock Refuges Are Strongly Associated with Increased Urban Occupancy in the Western Fence Lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis Alexander J. Rurik, Seth C. Wilmoth, Kendra E. Dayton and Amanda M. Sparkman Abstract Urbanization has dramatically altered habitats for local species worldwide. While some species are unable to meet the challenges that these alterations bring, others are able to... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Habitat provision is a major driver of native bird communities in restored urban forests
Habitat provision is a major driver of native bird communities in restored urban forests Elizabeth Elliot Noe, John Innes, Andrew D. Barnes, Chaitanya Joshi, Bruce D. Clarkson Abstract 1. Urbanization, and the drastic loss of habitat it entails, poses a major threat to global avian biodiversity. Ecological restoration of urban forests is therefore increasingly vital... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Living in discarded containers: spiders explore a new niche created by littering in urban woodlands
Living in discarded containers: spiders explore a new niche created by littering in urban woodlands Krzysztof Kolenda, Konrad Wiśniewski, Krzysztof Kujawa, Natalia Kuśmierek, Adrian Smolis & Marcin Kadej Abstract Increased urbanisation is leading to littering of the environment. However, some animals may adapt to live in such altered habitats. The aim of this study was to assess whether discarded containers... Continue Reading →
Urbanization has Varying Effects on the Population Structure of Six Bird Species in Singapore
Urban areas are known to be prone to habitat fragmentation. We've seen the intense urbanization in New York City lead to the rapid divergence of mouse populations and the subdivision of bobcats in Los Angeles. But the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation are difficult to quantify given that they differ based on the ability of... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Purple Gallinule
We find all sorts of flora and fauna in urban areas that don't seem to belong there. Here is a purple gallinule (Porphyrio martinicus) that was found a bit outside of its Southern US range. These birds are usually found in marshes further south than Washington D.C., and usually not so high up as this apartment sill!... Continue Reading →