New Lit Alert: Artificial light at night alters diurnal and nocturnal behavior and physiology in green anole lizards

Artificial light at night alters diurnal and nocturnal behavior and physiology in green anole lizards Laura A.Taylor, Christopher J. Thawley, Olive R.Pertuit, Abigail J.Dennis, Isabela R.Carson, ChenTang, Michele A.Johnson Abstract Artificial light at night (ALAN) disrupts biological rhythms across widely diverse organisms. To determine how energy is allocated by animals in different light environments, we investigated the... Continue Reading →

Lighting Up Anoles at Night!

This week we are cross-posting (again) from Anole Annals. Check out the original post here, written by Pavitra Muralidhar. How we perceive and interact with the world is strongly shaped by natural light. How much light there is at a given time determines whether we’re sleepy or awake, and whether we’re bracing for winter or... Continue Reading →

Urban Dragons are Innately Bold

We've talked before here on Life in the City about behavioral shifts related to fear and boldness in urban animals (check out: Skirting Skinks: Are Lizards Learning to Live Among Humans?, No city for shy dog, Concrete Escape: Increased Wariness of Anoles). Although it is clear that urban species experience behavioral modifications in response to urban... Continue Reading →

Urban Lizards on TV!

The Smithsonian Channel and Day's Edge Productions have put together a fantastic mini-series and a full-length documentary on anole evolutionary research. Episode 7 of the miniseries and part of the full-length movie feature urban lizards and urban evolution research by myself and my collaborators, Shane Campbell-Staton (UCLA) and Jason Kolbe / the Kolbe lab (U. Rhode Island). Check out... Continue Reading →

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