The field of urban evolution is relatively young, but researchers have been fascinated by animal movement through cities for quite some time. Recently, I was perusing the archives of the Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society and came across a note by Sidney Hessel detailing the movements of monarch butterflies through Manhattan. He observed 82 monarchs... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Opossum Goes to Union Square Sephora
Virginia opossums (also known as "opossums" or "possums") might be common in suburbs (we've seen them nesting in a BBQ grill), but they're rather rare in city centers. That's why reddit user ShabShoral was surprised to see an opossum hanging out in front of the makeup store Sephora at Union Square in New York City.... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Peregrine Falcon Hunts in the 9/11 Tribute Lights
This tribute also corresponds with another annual ritual -- the migration of birds from their summering grounds north of New York City, to their wintering grounds south of the city
Urban Observation of the Week: Fireflies in NYC
Fireflies are great little bugs (actually beetles) that come out on warm summer evenings. They dance around the air with a light display that can mesmerize you into a lull and signals to females that they are ready to mate. Even the larvae are able to glow, but their glow is a warning that they... Continue Reading →
Evolution 2019: Evolution Takes Flight: Population Genetics of Feral Pigeons (Columba livia) in the Northeastern United States
As you may have guessed by now, urbanization changes the natural landscape and this can have consequences for the organisms that live in them. Feral pigeons, which had been domesticated thousands of years ago and transported globally by humans, are not immune to rapid urbanization impacts. Previous studies have shown that there can be inbreeding... Continue Reading →
Evolution 2019: Urban Plant Evolution: A Case Study with Capsella bursa-pastoris in New York City
The percent of impervious surface increases as you move from rural to urban areas, with city centers having the highest percent impervious surface. In a Megapolis like New York CIty, there is a gradient from the core of the city to less urban areas. There is typically less available habitat for plants to grow in... Continue Reading →
Urban Observation of the Week: Red-Tailed Hawk in the Bronx
A few weeks ago one of the students in my department, Stephanie Lieffrig, had this Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) land on her AC unit in the Belmont neighborhood of the Bronx, New York. Hawks, along with Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) are quite common in New York City and AC units are a rather common perch... Continue Reading →
The Good, The Bad, and The Smelly: Fieldwork in the Big Apple
I've spent years trapping rats across Manhattan in New York City as I study the urban evolution and ecology of brown rats (Rattus norvegicus). This fieldwork has led to many experiences, some good, some bad, and some smelly. Below are my thoughts about each. THE GOOD: The lunch…New York City provides endless opportunities for good eats... Continue Reading →