Be sure to check out today's Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB! TimeRoomTitleAuthors9:30 - 9:45 AMLonestar BNesting near noise and light-filled nights: The fitness consequences of combined sensory pollutantsPhillips, J.; Jones, T.; Francis, C.9:45 - 10:00 AMLonestar BHow does sensory pollution and urban vegetation affect avian diversity and nesting success?Llamas, A.; Jones, T.; Phillips,... Continue Reading →
SICB 2023: January 6th Summary
Be sure to check out today's Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB! TimeRoomTitleAuthors9:15 - 9:30 AM402-403Commonalities in the response of North American salamander skin microbiota to wildfires and roadsGomez, O.H.; Mulla, L.; Wuerthner, V.; Hua, J.10:30 - 10:45 AM201-202Coastal invertebrate larvae vary in their responses to artificial light at nightCharpentier, C.; Barnes, D.; Gidzinski,... Continue Reading →
SICB 2023: January 5th Summary
Be sure to check out today's Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB! TimeRoomTitleAuthors9:00 - 9:15 AMLonestar FHuman-provided food and heterogeneity in aggression in urbanized flocks of American white ibisWeil, J.; Wilson, C.; Hall, R.10:15 - 10:30 AMBrazosTheodolite tracking bottlenose dolphin movement and behavior in a busy Texas ship channelMills, E.; Orbach, D.; Piwetz, S.2:00... Continue Reading →
SICB 2023: January 4th Summary
Be sure to check out today's Urban Evolution talks and posters at SICB! TimeRoomTitleAuthors8:00 - 8:15 AM402-403Creating Interdisciplinary Conservation Tools: A Case Study on Vaccinating Urban WildlifeShriver, C.; Scott, D.; Palakurthy, I.; Hansen, G.; Place, S.; Hu, D.; Schulz, A.K.8:15 - 8:30 AM402-403Effects of roadway disturbances on Side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) behavior and morphologySermersheim, L.;... Continue Reading →
Reminder: Urban Evolution at SICB 2023
Remember to check out all the incredible research on urban systems at SICB this year! Email Kristin if you'd like to contribute to the blog by covering one of these talks or posters. DayTimeRoomTitleAuthorsWed., Jan. 48:00 - 8:15 AM402-403Creating Interdisciplinary Conservation Tools: A Case Study on Vaccinating Urban WildlifeShriver, C.; Scott, D.; Palakurthy, I.; Hansen,... Continue Reading →
Urban Evolution at SICB 2023
The annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is here! From January 3-7 biologists will convene in Austin, Texas to share the latest and greatest from a broad range of research areas. Urban evolution talks have a strong showing at the meeting this year, and we would like to hear about all of... Continue Reading →