Urban Wildlife Spotlight: The Monk Parakeet

Monk parakeets Myiopsitta monachus   Sometimes referred to as the Quaker parrot due to their quaking vocalizations, the monk parakeet is a small, green parrot with grey breast and head feathers accented with blue feathers on their primaries. In addition to their unique color, these birds can often be picked out by their noisy/screechy vocalizations.... Continue Reading →

Incorporating Human Society into Urban Ecology

Urban habitats and landscapes are considerably different from their rural and natural counterparts. Rural and natural habitats experience diluted human effects (e.g., disturbance, low pollution), while urban areas and urban wildlife endure more significant impacts from humans. When we think about the influence of cities and urbanization, we typically think of more "direct" impacts such... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Successes and failures in white-tailed deer management in urban and rural upstate New York

Upstate New York has a deer overabundance problem. The subject of conservation efforts after hunters nearly wiped them out in the 1800s and released from predation pressure, deer population numbers have exploded creating conflict with humans and putting important plant species under intense browsing pressure. Dr. Bernrd Blossey and Dr. Paul Curtis at Cornell University's... Continue Reading →

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