Urban Evolution at SICB 2020

The annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is here! From January 3-7 biologists will convene in Austin, Texas to share the latest and greatest from a broad range of research areas. Urban evolution talks have a strong showing at the meeting this year, and we would like to hear about all of the urban talks and posters if possible so that those of us not attending the meeting can follow along.

But we can’t do it without your help. We’re looking for new contributors who will be attending the meeting to be our eyes and ears and report back. If you are attending the meeting and are interested in becoming a contributor to the blog, please email Kristin and she will provide you with the details you need. Here’s our list of what look like great talks on urban organisms. Let us know if we missed any!


listing date time title authors
P1-164 Saturday, Jan. 4 poster session Oyster toadfish calling in noisy NYC waters HOM, KN*; TERRAZAS, M; FORLANO, PM
P1-85 Saturday, Jan. 4 poster session The Effects of Light Pollution on Nesting Behavior in Eastern Bluebirds and Tree Swallows UTT, DJ*; FOLTZ, SL
P1-49 Saturday, Jan. 4 poster session Land Use Conversion Affects Stress Physiology and Life-History of Western Mosquitofish GUZMAN, A*; KOLONIN, A; ASPBURY, A; GABOR, C
P1-246 Saturday, Jan. 4 poster session Ambient Light at Night (ALAN) and the Stress Response of Green Anoles MCGRATH, MR*; HOWEY, CAF
41-4 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15 Urban residency, host immunity, and infectious disease dynamics in a traditionally migratory songbird BECKER, DJ*; SCHULTZ, EM; ATWELL, JW; HALL, RJ; KETTERSON, ED
52-6 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45 Effects of Urbanization and Landscape on Wild Avian Gut Microbiomes BERLOW, M*; PHILLIPS, JN; DERRYBERRY, EP
P2-175 Sunday, Jan. 5 poster session Metabolic Rates of City Anoles D’ALESSANDRO, MN*; HOWEY, CAF
57-5 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30 Environmental Variation From Land Use Conversion Affects Stress in Tadpoles GABOR, CR*; ASPBURY, AS; UJHEGY, N; BóKONY, V
69-5 Sunday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 14:45 Urbanization lowers hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression but not clearance of glucocorticoids in male Song Sparrows LANE, S/J*; EMMERSON, M/G; VANDIEST, I/J; HUCUL, C; BECK, M/L; DAVIES, S; GILBERT, E/R; SEWALL, K/B
55-1 Sunday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 10:45 Relationships Among Neuropeptides, Territorial Aggression, and Urbanization in Male Song Sparrows SEWALL, KB*; DAVIES, S; BECK, ML
P3-55 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Effects of Urbanization on Extra-pair Paternity in the Song Sparrow BREWER, VN*; LANE, SJ; SEWALL, KB; MABRY, KE
P3-29 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Urbanization and parental investment in a free-living songbird HEPPNER, JJ*; OUYANG, JQ
P3-244 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Adapting to Urban Habitats: How Toe Pad Shape Varies in Puerto Rican Anoles HOWELL, BK*; HAGEY, TJ; WINCHELL, KM
P3-76 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session The Perfect Home: What Nestbox Features and Environmental Conditions Do Eastern Bluebirds and Tree Swallows Prefer? HOWERIN, HM*; FOLTZ, SL
P3-47 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Ambient Light at Night and Effects on the Immune Response of Anoles KENNY, E*; HOWEY, CAF
P3-176 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Western Mosquitofish Social Behavior Varies with Levels of Land Use Conversion MOLINA, R*; KOLONIN, A; ASPBURY, A/S; GABOR, C/R
P3-8 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Using buccal cells to estimate DNA damage associated with urbanization SMITH, TR*; MOORE, IT; HERNANDEZ, J
P3-50 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Comparisons of egg yolk physiology and hatchling quality between urban and rural Side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) VIRGIN, EE*; KEPAS, ME; HUDSON, SB; FRENCH, SS
94-4 Monday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30 Effects of artificial light at night and predator presence on the development, growth, and physiology of Rana berlandieri FORSBURG, ZR
P3-171 Monday, Jan. 6 poster session Artificial Light At Night (ALAN): An Anthropogenic Challenge for Urban Lizard Behavior and Physiology TAYLOR, LA*; PERTUIT, OR; CARSON, IR; TANG, C; DENNIS, AJ; THAWLEY, CJ; JOHNSON, MA
Kristin Winchell

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