SICB 2022!

The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology is gearing up for their annual meeting next week. And just like previous years, there are some amazing urban talks and posters that we want to highlight here!

But we can’t do it without your help. We’re looking for contributors who will be attending the meeting to be our eyes and ears and report back. If you are attending the meeting and are interested in becoming a contributor to the blog, please email Kristin and she will provide you with the details you need. Here’s our list of what look like great talks on urban organisms. Let us know if we missed any!

Day Time Session & Room Title Authors
2 (Wed) 10:45 AM Session 41 West 105B Widespread Genetic Connectivity of Feral Pigeons Across the
Northeastern United States Megacity
Carlen E; Washington University in St. Louis, Fordham
2 (Wed) 2:45 PM Session 46 West 102A City Tree Communities Across the USA: Urban Ecology and Biodiversity McCoy DE, Goulet-Scott B, Meng W, Atahan F, Kiros H,
Nishino M, Kartesz J; Stanford University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-124 The impacts of copper contamination on aquatic predator-prey interactions
Chapman JC; Florida International University, University of Hawaii at Hilo
2 (Wed) Poster P2-125 Relationship between Temperature and Activity Patterns of the Nine-Banded Armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus across Tennessee Cochran MS, Jorge ML; Vanderbilt University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-126 Behavioral and morphological responses to urbanization in freeliving side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana)
Sermersheim LO, Virgin EE, Furtado AP, French SS; Utah State University, Universidade de Brasília
2 (Wed) Poster P2-127 Heat-induced thermoregulatory behaviors of free-living tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings
Tsueda SN, Woodruff MJ, Rosvall KA; Indiana University Bloomington
2 (Wed) Poster P2-128 Examining the Effects of Chemical Irritants on the Spotted-Wing Fruit Fly
Aparicio SG, Scott Chialvo CH, Scott Chialvo P; Appalachian State University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-129 Anthropogenic effects on European starling cholesterol and oxidative stress Linkous CR, Guindre-Parker S; Kennesaw State University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-130 The effects of habitat fragmentation on mobbing behaviors. Daniels JT, Chandler CR; Georgia Southern University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-131 City living: Smaller territories and shorter communication distance in urban songbirds
Simberloff RA, Phillips JN, Danner RM, Derryberry EP; University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, University of North Carolina
2 (Wed) Poster P2-132 How seasonal thermal variation within the intertidal zone affects the thermal escape behavior and body condition of Petrolisthes cinctipes Estrada Aguila CO; San Francisco State University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-133 Interspecific variation in butterfly warming tolerances and consequences for population size under recent climate change
Muzychuk RA, Diamond SE, Medina-Báez OA; Case Western Reserve University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-134 Influence of salinity stress on the histone post-translational modification landscape of Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) Mojica EA, Kültz D; University of California Davis
2 (Wed) Poster P2-135 Light or Flight: Effect of light intensity on settlement behaviors of sea anemones Kwan MG, Chan KYK; Swarthmore College
2 (Wed) Poster P2-136 Effects of urbanization on life-history traits and hormones of Western mosquitofish Romero EA, Gabor CR, Aspbury AS; Texas State University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-137 Skull Asymmetry in Urban and Rural Virginia Opossums in Louisiana
Abazajian KA, Rivera G, Hedrick BP; Tulane University, Creighton University, Louisiana State University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-138 Consequences of anthropogenic noise on behavior and cognitive performance in Acris crepitans Flanagan MM, Gabor CR; Texas State University
3 (Thurs) Poster P3-4 Impact of habitat variation on the behavioral ecology of Coyotes (Canis latrans): Can coyotes and community coexist? Gurin KC, Renn S, Michaels J; Reed College
1 (Tues) 9:45 AM Session 4-7 West 102B Uptown Lizard: Examining morphology and performance of an introduced urban lizard, Podarcis muralis
Vaughn PL, Colwell C, Livingston E, McQueen W, Pettit C, Spears S, Tuhela-Reuning L, Gangloff EJ; Ohio Wesleyan University
1 (Tues) Session 9-3 West 212 ABC An integrated physiological perspective to multiple urban stressors in the Gulf Coast Toad (Incilius nebulifer)
Monroe DJ, Gabor CR, Barny LA, Wu A, Minbiole KPC; Texas State University, Vanderbilt University, Villanova University
1 (Tues) 11:00 AM Session 14-5 West 104 AB How does urbanization impact female song sparrows? A
comparison of corticosterone and behavioral recovery from
Lane SJ, VanDiest IJ, Fossett TE, Sewall KB; Virginia Tech
2 (Weds) 10:15 AM Session 40-2 West 105 A The impact of thermal environment on locomotor performance in native and invasive populations of Xenopus laevis.
Araspin L, Wagener C, Herrel A, Measey J; Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle – Sorbonne Universités (MNHN), Stellenbosch University
2 (Weds) 10:00 AM Session 40-1 West 105 A Effects of thermal behavior and microhabitat selection on melanin evolution in an urban butterfly Lenard A, Diamond SE; Case Western Reserve University
3 (Thurs) 8:00 AM M Session 62-1 West 213 AB Testing for a reverse luxury effect in an urban pest: black widows on the urban heat island of Phoenix, AZ Johnson JC, Rusnak J; Az State University
3 (Thurs) 3:00 PM Session 74-7 West 103 AB Lead exposure in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei) in New Orleans, Louisiana
Blanchette A, Gopal A, Finkelstein ME, Karubian J, Gunderson AR; Tulane University, University of Nevada, University of California Santa Cruz
4 (Fri) 8:45 AM Session 87-2 West 102 B Sex ratios and the city: Parental corticosterone as a mediator of the impact of urbanization on adaptive sex allocation in a common passerine
Kilgour DAV, Pierson TW, Guindre-Parker S; Kennesaw State University
4 (Fri) 9:00 AM Session 87-3 West 102 B Do urban mothers know best? Hormones and maternal effects in a songbird
Heppner JJ, Krause JS, Ouyang JQ; University of Nevada Reno
4 (Fri) 9:30 AM Session 87-6 West 102 B Does the development of behavioral and endocrine coping styles differ between urban and rural nestlings? 9:45 am Coffee Break W
Guindre-Parker S, Kilgour D, Linkous C; Kennesaw State University
4 (Fri) 11:00 Session 102-4 West 211 A Effects of urbanization on host resistance to invasive parasites in the Galapagos Islands
Knutie SA, Vaziri GJ, Webster C, Chaves J, Wegrzyn J; University of Connecticut, San Francisco State University
1 (Tues) Poster P1-24 Presence of Deer Mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and Hantavirus Cases Correlated with Human Population Densities in Texas Maeng AG, Healy J; Austin College
2 (Wed) Poster P2-59 Behavioral responses of cavity-nesting species in relation to nest predation threat Gray ML, Foltz SL; Radford University
2 (Wed) Poster P2-141 Urban and rural differences in sperm morphology and its associations with male quality in Side-blotched lizards Uta stansburiana
Virgin EE, Furtado AP, Sermersheim LO, Hudson SB, Smith GD, French SS; Utah State University, Universidade de Brasilia
3 (Thurs) Poster P3-7 Differences in arthropod communities associated with urbanization VanDiest IJ, Moore CA, Sewall KB; Virginia Tech
3 (Thurs) Poster P3-92 Parrots of New York: positional behavior of feral Quaker parrots (Myiopsitta monachus)
Granatosky MC, Dickinson E, Young MW, Youlatos D; New York Institute of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Kristin Winchell

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