Evolution of Rat Crania in an Urban Environment

This week we are cross-posting from the Ecology & Evolution blog written by Dr. Emily Puckett and Elizabeth Carlen. Check out the original post here. Observations of numerous animal populations have documented morphometric changes in response to urbanization.  Examples abound including: urban populations of anole lizards have longer limbs and more toe lamellae that aid in moving... Continue Reading →

Urban Observation of the Week: Elephant Seals

It is breeding season for Northern Elephant Seals (Mirounga angustirostris) which means elephant seals are coming onshore to give birth and mate. Because elephant seal breeding grounds are also popular destinations for humans seeking to observe this once nearly extinct marine mammal, precautions are needed to ensure the safety of both the humans and the... Continue Reading →

2019 in Review

Milestones and more In 2019 we hit a lot of milestones. We turned 1 year old. We were featured in several major news outlets, including as a News Feature in PNAS, the Wildlife Society, and Wired Magazine! We reached over 13,000 visits since starting from (almost) every corner of the globe (we're looking at you,... Continue Reading →

Pigeon Feet in the City

If you've walked around a city with pigeons, you might have noticed that many of them are missing toes or have deformed feet. These foot deformities are common and may arise due to a number of different ailments including: chemicals that make surfaces sticky or apply an unpleasant odor; physical deterrents that are placed on... Continue Reading →

Urban Observation of the Week: Campus Squirrel

Last year I saw this tweet that so deeply resonated with me: https://twitter.com/rodger/status/1075094981193265154?lang=en Squirrels are abundant across my own campus in New York City and I have heard numerous students remark that our squirrels are somehow better/different than the squirrels in the rest of the city. We've even had our fair share of squirrels in... Continue Reading →

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