Urban Observation: Mute Swan in Leicester

Check out this Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) sauntering about the busy streets of Leicester! https://twitter.com/Hannam79/status/1602660747997216770 This species of swan is native to most of Europe and has been introduced to the eastern United States. They reside in various aquatic ecosystems, including urban lakes and ponds. However, as this tweet's author stated, they don't often take... Continue Reading →

Urban Coyote Dens in Edmonton, Canada

As urban areas continue to expand, nearby wildlife must either adapt to the effects of urbanization or flee to natural spaces. The species impacted by urbanization typically fall into one of three categories: urban avoiders, urban adaptors, or urban exploiters. Coyotes (Canis latrans) are classified as urban adaptors due to their ability to live on... Continue Reading →

New Blog Page: Foundational Reading

Come and check out Life in the City's new Foundational Reading page! It has recommendations for a wide range of individuals interested in urban ecology & urban evolution. From textbooks and taxa-specific research to non-academic books, urban field guides, and even a couple of books for the young, budding ecologist! Scroll to the bottom of... Continue Reading →

Urban Evolution at SICB 2023

The annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is here! From January 3-7 biologists will convene in Austin, Texas to share the latest and greatest from a broad range of research areas. Urban evolution talks have a strong showing at the meeting this year, and we would like to hear about all of... Continue Reading →

Urban Observation: Go fetch!

Check out this fun-loving gull and its new toy! https://twitter.com/GarethUnwin85/status/1597610347212734464 This gull seen last week at Queen's Park in Brighton, UK, seems to have been enjoying a game of tennis! Gulls species are notoriously difficult to differentiate. There are more than 50 species of gulls, the majority being part of the genus Larus. If observing... Continue Reading →

Urban Observation: Great Blue Heron

Check out this Great Blue Heron's fun new perch! Kate spotted a heron sitting very comfortably on a discarded deck chair in Surrey, BC. Based on the condition of that chair, looks like lots of individuals have been utilizing this transplant toilet! Do you have a photo or video of an urban species doing something... Continue Reading →

Meta-analysis of Urban Bird Phenology

Humans have significantly impacted environmental conditions and landscapes for several decades through our urban expansion. These changes have produced selective pressures different from those present in non-urban areas. In response to these selective pressures, many species have diverged in physical, behavioral, and reproductive traits between their urban and non-urban populations. In addition, urban landscapes are... Continue Reading →

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