IUWC 2019: Urban Raptors

Raptors are making a comeback in cities around the world, thanks to the discontinuation of DDT. We've highlighted raptors including Red-tailed Hawks and Peregrine Falcons previously in our Urban Observation of the Week. Within cities, pigeon and rat populations provide ample food and researchers in many cities are investigating what resources and landscape variables dictate... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Drivers of Bird and Arthropod Diversity in Portland Yards

Urban yards have a large potential for providing habitat, and important considerations when studying these spaces are the tritrophic interactions between plant species, herbivores, and predators. Dr. Marion Dresner, Professor at Portland State University, has spent years studying these interactions in backyard habitats and is particularly interested in understanding how the management of backyards provides... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Characteristics of Garden Bee Communities

Dr. Gail Langellotto, Professor of Urban and Community Horticulture at Oregon State University, was the first speaker in the "Urban Garden Ecology" section at the 2019 IUWC. Dr. Langellotto has been conducting research in garden ecosystems since her first faculty job at Fordham University. An entomologist by training, when she moved to the Bronx she... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Urban Bats

If you live in a city you may not realize that urban populations of bats are all around you. But Liza Lehrer and Shannon Pederson, who work on urban bats, know that bats are common in cities, even if you don't always see them. Lehrer started off by describing how bats are under threat due... Continue Reading →

IUWC 2019: Opening Plenary – Collaboration & Conservation, Applications to Urban Wildlife

The International Urban Wildlife Conference kicked off Monday morning in Portland, OR with a Plenary Session titled "Collaboration and Conservation: Applications to Urban Wildlife" featuring talks by Dr. Chris Schell, Deeohn Ferris, and Bob Sallaniger followed by a panel discussion. Dr. Schell, Assistant Professor of Urban Ecology at the University of Washington, Tacoma and Life... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2019 – See you there?

The annual Evolution meeting co-sponsored by the Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists is coming soon to Providence, Rhode Island this June 21-25th! This meeting usually has a strong representation of researchers working in urban systems and we hope this year will be no different. Are... Continue Reading →

SICB 2019: Urban Gulls Alter FID and Flight Behaviors

Urbanization is a global form of habitat change that alters native habits and either excludes the animals that live there or forces them to acclimate to novel environments. Altering behavioral strategies can allow individuals to quickly acclimate and successfully colonize urban habitats, reproduce and live within them. In two studies presented at SICB, researchers, Dr.... Continue Reading →

SICB 2019: Urbanization Affects the Stress Physiology and Life History of Stream Fish

Urban environments are on the rise, bringing with them pollutants from run-off which alters water temperature, chemistry, and hydrology, ultimately driving a decrease in biodiversity. These disturbances can affect the physiological stress response of fishes by increasing or dysregulating their primary stress hormone, cortisol, and potentially altering their reproductive allocation. Arseniy Kolonin, a master’s student at Texas State... Continue Reading →

Urban Evolution at SICB

The annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) is almost here! From January 3-7 biologists will convene in Tampa, Florida to share the latest and greatest from a broad range of research areas. Urban evolution talks have a strong showing at the meeting this year, and we would like to hear... Continue Reading →

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