Do urban habitats induce physiological changes in Mediterranean lizards? R Vardi, S Dubiner, R Ben Bezalel, S Meiri, E Levin Abstract Urban environments offer dramatically different habitats for wildlife compared with natural environments. They provide, for example, different levels of resource availability, anthropogenic night light, and microclimates (e.g., urban heat islands). For reptiles, increased temperatures... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Urban colonies are less aggressive but forage more than their forest counterparts in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi
Urban colonies are less aggressive but forage more than their forest counterparts in the ant Temnothorax nylanderi L Jacquier, M Molet, C Doums Abstract Urbanization imposes new constraints on organisms, leading to changes in various traits including behaviour. In particular, foraging and aggressive behaviours are often affected by urbanization. In eusocial species, behaviour can be defined at the... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Urban tolerance is phylogenetically constrained and mediated by pre-adaptations in African bats
Urban tolerance is phylogenetically constrained and mediated by pre-adaptations in African bats G.E. Marsden, D Vosloo, M.C. Schoeman Abstract With increasing urbanization, particularly in developing countries, it is important to understand how local biota will respond to such landscape changes. Bats comprise one of the most diverse groups of mammals in urban areas, and many... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Going Wild in the City–Animal Feralization and Its Impact on Biodiversity in Urban Environments
Going Wild in the City--Animal Feralization and Its Impact on Biodiversity in Urban Environments T Göttert, G Perry Abstract Domestication describes a range of changes to wild species as they are increasingly brought under human selection and husbandry. Feralization is the process whereby a species leaves the human sphere and undergoes increasing natural selection in... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: What coloration brings: Implications of background adaptation to oxidative stress in anurans
What coloration brings: Implications of background adaptation to oxidative stress in anurans TB Radovanović, TG Petrović, BR Gavrilović, SG Despotović, JP Gavrić, A Kijanović, M Mirč, N Tomašević Kolarov, T Vukov, MD Prokić Abstract Background Urban development results in habitat destruction, affecting populations of amphibians, the most fragile group of vertebrates. With changes in the environment, these animals become more exposed to light and... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Phenotypic variation along urban-to-rural gradients: an attempt to disentangle the mechanisms at play using the alien species Matricaria discoidea (Asteraceae)
Phenotypic variation along urban-to-rural gradients: an attempt to disentangle the mechanisms at play using the alien species Matricaria discoidea (Asteraceae) C Geron, JJ Lembrechts, R Hamdi, J Berckmans, I Nijs, A Monty Abstract Cities often exhibit higher temperatures, drier soils and greater habitat fragmentation than rural areas, and may thus represent constraining growing environments for... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: High incidence of leg autonomy in urban crickets
High incidence of leg autonomy in urban crickets T Kuriwada, S Shindome, Y Tomita, M Kawanishi Abstract Predation is an important selection pressure affecting animals. Predation has both consumptive and non-lethal effects. Because it is often difficult to estimate the extent to which non-lethal effects occur, we focused on autotomy as an indicator of non-lethal... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Cat colonies and flight initiation distances of urban birds: Dealing with conflicting sources of citizen wellbeing
Cat colonies and flight initiation distances of urban birds: Dealing with conflicting sources of citizen wellbeing Mario Díaz, Jonatan Fernández, Alicia Page Abstract Feral cat colonies in cities improve the wellbeing of people who feed and care for them, but they can have negative effects on biodiversity due to the predatory behaviour of cats. We... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Future directions in urban endocrinology – the effects of endocrine plasticity on urban tolerance
Future directions in urban endocrinology - the effects of endocrine plasticity on urban tolerance Frances Bonier Abstract After twenty years of studies of endocrine traits in animals living in cities, the field of urban endocrinology has built a robust literature including numerous studies looking for signatures of the effects of urban living, usually in mean... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Harnessing soil biodiversity to promote human health in cities
Harnessing soil biodiversity to promote human health in cities X Sun, C Liddicoat, A Tiunov, B Wang, Y Zhang, C Lu, Z Li, S Scheu, MF Breed, S Geisen, YG Zhu Abstract Biodiversity is widely linked to human health, however, connections between human health and soil biodiversity in urban environments remain poorly understood. Here, we... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Climbing and clinging of urban lizards are differentially affected by morphology, temperature, and substrate
Climbing and clinging of urban lizards are differentially affected by morphology, temperature, and substrate P L Vaughn, C Colwell, E H Livingston, W McQueen, C Pettit, S Spears, L Tuhela, E J Gangloff Abstract Urbanization alters the environment along many dimensions, including changes to structural habitat and thermal regimes. These can present challenges, but may also provide suitable habitat for certain species.... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Influence of habitat type and distance from source area on bird taxonomic and functional diversity in a Neotropical megacity
Influence of habitat type and distance from source area on bird taxonomic and functional diversity in a Neotropical megacity Marcos Antônio Melo, Patrícia Mara Sanches, Demóstenes F. Silva Filho & Augusto João Piratelli Abstract The Neotropical region has been subjected to massive urbanization, which poses high risks for some global biodiversity hotspots and losses of... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: The effect of sex on home range in an urban population of European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus at the southern edge of the species distribution
The effect of sex on home range in an urban population of European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus at the southern edge of the species distribution Jana Marco-Tresserras & Germán M. López Iborra Abstract As the transformation of natural habitats into urban environments increases, some species, such as hedgehogs, are able to adapt and thrive. Six hedgehogs, three males... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Skyscrapers as Ecological Traps of the Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae): Preliminary Observations
Skyscrapers as Ecological Traps of the Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae): Preliminary Observations Kenneth D. Frank & Gregory W. Cowper Abstract Since its introduction to North America from Asia in 2014, the spotted lanternfly has emerged as a pest in rural and suburban settings. In downtown Philadelphia we found adults of the spotted lanternfly... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Urban-rural gradients: how landscape changes drive adaptive evolution of plant competitive traits
Urban-rural gradients: how landscape changes drive adaptive evolution of plant competitive traits Yuya Fukano, Kei Uchida, Yuuya Tachiki Abstract The role of competition in local adaptation and the associated traits underlying adaptation remain unclear. One reason for the lack of evidence may be that plant-plant competition is ubiquitous in natural environments; thus, local adaptation to... Continue Reading →