SICB 2025: The Impact of Urban Heat Islands and Wetlands on Avian Diversity

The shrinkage of natural landscapes with increased urbanization causes substantial shifts in ecosystems, particularly a decrease in bird diversity. Understanding the interactions between the urban heat island (UHI) effect, urban wetlands, and bird diversity is crucial to conserving biodiversity. Advised by Kristin Winchell, New York University undergraduate researcher Emerald Lin presented her poster at SICB... Continue Reading →

Science Meets Activism: Stream ecology in the wake of the Mountain Valley Pipeline

During the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) 2024 conference, I interviewed Andrea Beverly and Jamie Lau, from Radford University, who are studying how the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is impacting freshwater streams in Rural Virginia. We discuss their collaboration with local groups, the intersection between politics and science, and the... Continue Reading →

How Gull-ible can we be around urban Larus?

The weather on the northern hemisphere is getting warmer which means beach days are approaching. Every beach dweller can confirm that seagulls (Larus sp.) can be very cunning and cheeky in order to steal food. Is this their ancestral behaviour or has this evolved with the rising of urban areas? Pavlova and Wronski (2020) studied... Continue Reading →

Salinity, Urbanization, and Genetic Divergence of Killifish

Guest post by Brandon Waldo, Katherine Moore, Sam Bickley, Christopher Anderson, & Moises Bernal. Salinity, Urbanization, and Genetic Divergence of Killifish Coastlines are unique and dynamic environments that are always subject to intense changes. Organisms living in beaches, estuaries, and marshes constantly face fluctuations in water conditions that can alter their habitat, making hardiness and... Continue Reading →

The rapid spread of an urban lichen

Is the urban landscape pushing lichen evolution or is it just providing space for opportunists? Harold Timans Photo by: Matthijs MolenaarPhysciella chloantha is shown with a fertile apothecium and the lobes producing vegetative soralia The urban environment creates a multitude of habitats that differ widely in their abiotic factors. In one street it can be... Continue Reading →

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