Urban Observation: Ringtail Possum

In Port Phillip City, this arboreal individual has found an urban alternative to climb! https://twitter.com/SeabirdResearch/status/1666378562184826881?s=20 The Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) is a marsupial species, widely distributed across its native continent of Australia. This animal is arboreal and traditionally could be found in forests and woodlands primarily on the eastern coast of Australia. Currently, ringtail... Continue Reading →

Rapid Evolution of Urban Water Dragons

The growing field of urban evolutionary ecology studies the impact of urbanization on its resident species. Often, that involves comparisons between conspecific urban and non-urban populations. Jackson et al. took a different perspective in this study. They analyzed the divergence between populations living in adjacent but isolated city parks. They developed their study around a... Continue Reading →

Little Urban Dragons

James Baxter-Gilbert and colleagues from down under — Julia Riley and Martin Whiting — have been digging into the ecological and evolutionary responses to urbanization in a charismatic and common (at least if you're in Australia) group of lizards: Australian water dragons (Intellagama lesueurii). Previously, we told you about their findings that urban dragons are innately bold. In... Continue Reading →

SICB 2019: Urban Gulls Alter FID and Flight Behaviors

Urbanization is a global form of habitat change that alters native habits and either excludes the animals that live there or forces them to acclimate to novel environments. Altering behavioral strategies can allow individuals to quickly acclimate and successfully colonize urban habitats, reproduce and live within them. In two studies presented at SICB, researchers, Dr.... Continue Reading →

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