Body size and survival of urban and rural populations of a common wolf spider are not influenced by lifelong exposure to lead pollution Lucy Guarnieri, Leo Taylor, P. Larry Phelan & Mary Margaret Gardiner Abstract Heavy metal pollution is pervasive in urban soils, and it can negatively impact the fitness of arthropods. Arthropod populations can evolve to... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Temperature and not landscape composition shapes wild bee communities in an urban environment
Temperature and not landscape composition shapes wild bee communities in an urban environment Costanza Geppert, Andree Cappellari, Daria Corcos, Valerio Caruso, Pierfilippo Cerretti, Maurizio Mei, Lorenzo Marini Abstract 1. More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase. Even if urbanisation is widely regarded as a... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Moving to the city: testing the implications of morphological shifts on locomotor performance in introduced urban lizards
Moving to the city: testing the implications of morphological shifts on locomotor performance in introduced urban lizards Princeton L Vaughn, Wyatt Mcqueen, Eric J Gangloff Abstract Understanding how morphology affects performance in novel environments and how populations shift their morphology in response to environmental selective pressures is necessary to understand how invaders can be successful.... Continue Reading →
Little Urban Dragons
James Baxter-Gilbert and colleagues from down under — Julia Riley and Martin Whiting — have been digging into the ecological and evolutionary responses to urbanization in a charismatic and common (at least if you're in Australia) group of lizards: Australian water dragons (Intellagama lesueurii). Previously, we told you about their findings that urban dragons are innately bold. In... Continue Reading →
Big in the City: Urban Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in Bumblebee Body Size and Pollination
Urbanization is arguably one of the most rapid and conspicuous human-driven environmental changes, and fragmentation is one of the most pervasive outcomes of urbanization. Patches of vegetation within the built matrix of a typical cityscape, such as parks and gardens, are usually small and isolated and movement among them potentially jeopardized. Bumblebees are common in... Continue Reading →