New Lit Alert: Oriented migratory flight at night: Consequences of nighttime light pollution for monarch butterflies

Oriented migratory flight at night: Consequences of nighttime light pollution for monarch butterflies Adam F. Parlin, Samuel M. Stratton, and Patrick A. Guerra Abstract We show that light trespass—a form of nighttime light pollution (NLP)—elicits normal daytime clock-mediated migratory behavior in fall monarch butterflies during their night-cycle. In controlled indoor flight simulator studies isolating the... Continue Reading →

SICB 2019: Urban Gulls Alter FID and Flight Behaviors

Urbanization is a global form of habitat change that alters native habits and either excludes the animals that live there or forces them to acclimate to novel environments. Altering behavioral strategies can allow individuals to quickly acclimate and successfully colonize urban habitats, reproduce and live within them. In two studies presented at SICB, researchers, Dr.... Continue Reading →

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