New Lit Alert: Urban environment determines population genetics in the green toad, Bufotes viridis

Urban environment determines population genetics in the green toad, Bufotes viridis Viktória Vargová, Damiána Gužiová, Monika Balogová, Natália Pipová, Marcel Uhrin & Peter Kaňuch Abstract Heavily urbanized areas can hinder dispersal and gene flow between amphibian populations. Given the growth potential of urbanization, it is important to examine how this specific environment shapes their genetic... Continue Reading →

New Lit Alert: Natural and anthropogenic landscape factors shape functional connectivity of an ecological specialist in urban Southern California

Natural and anthropogenic landscape factors shape functional connectivity of an ecological specialist in urban Southern California Sarah M. Wenner, Melanie A. Murphy, Kathleen S. Delaney, Gregory B. Pauly, Jonathan Q. Richmond, Robert N. Fisher, Jeanne M. Robertson Abstract Identifying how natural (i.e., unaltered by human activity) and anthropogenic landscape variables influence contemporary functional connectivity in... Continue Reading →

New Lit Alert: Recent spread of blue tits into the Barcelona urban environment: morphological differences and the role of balanced dispersal

Recent spread of blue tits into the Barcelona urban environment: morphological differences and the role of balanced dispersal Juan Carlos Senar & Mats Björklund Abstract Rates of phenotypic change are greater in cities than in any other habitat. Consequently, urban habitats are an ideal experimental area to study contemporary evolution and adaptation. A key question... Continue Reading →

How to Study Urban Speciation

Given the right conditions, life in the city might just lead to speciation. Wouter Halfwerk digs into the potential for and evidence of urban speciation in his latest paper in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Halfwerk points out that many studies have revealed both genetic and phenotypic divergence in urban populations, but asks are we seeing... Continue Reading →

Back to the Basics: What is Urban Evolution?

Urban evolution can have different meanings depending on what field you come from. If you are an urban planner, it might mean that urban areas are getting larger, even using sustainable energy sources where they didn't previously. For some architects it may mean that they now figure out how to put green roofs on buildings.... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2019: Urban Coyotes are Genetically Distinct from and Less Diverse than Coyotes in Natural Habitats

Habitat fragmentation associated with urbanisation if often thought to limit the movement of mobile species, potentially leading to genetically distinct clusters of individuals across a city. Identifying the landscape features that act as barriers to dispersal and drive population differentiation has become a central goal in recent urban evolution research. Javier Monzón, an assistant professor... Continue Reading →

Evolution 2019: Human Land Use Impacts Gene Flow in the Biodiversity Hotspot Cape Floristic Region, South Africa

During Monday’s poster session at Evolution 2019, I had the chance to talk with Dr. Lindsay Miles (currently a postdoc at the University of Toronto-Mississauga and an editor of this blog) about research she conducted during her PhD at Virginia Commonwealth University. Lindsay and her fellow researchers report on how anthropogenic land use is influencing... Continue Reading →

Urban Speciation

Above: Fig. 2 from Rivkin et al: many species have been shown to adapt to cities. Thompson et al. ask whether or not this could lead to speciation. Organisms that persist in urban environments are subject to novel selective pressures as they exploit this novel niche space. We now know that this ecological shift can lead to... Continue Reading →

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