New Lit Alert: Consistency and plasticity of risk-taking behaviour towards humans at the nest in urban and forest great tits, Parus major

Consistency and plasticity of risk-taking behaviour towards humans at the nest in urban and forest great tits, Parus major Vincze, Ernő, Veronika Bókony, László Zsolt Garamszegi, Gábor Seress, Ivett Pipoly, Csenge Sinkovics, Krisztina Sándor, and András Liker Abstract Urban animals often show bolder behaviour towards humans than their nonurban conspecifics. However, it is unclear to... Continue Reading →

Skirting Skinks: Are Lizards Learning to Live Among Humans?

You can't live near humans if you're afraid. Fleeing constantly can be very costly, so generally animals near humans tend to become accustomed to them. A new research compares skinks in Mo'orea island to see if their escape response varies and if skinks living with more humans have adjusted their responses accordingly.

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