Parallel Evolution of Melanism in Urban Squirrels

Cities offer an unprecedented global experiment for parallel evolutionary change: they similarly differ in several dimensions including climate, land cover, and pollution. Yet few studies examine evolutionary change across multiple cities, which is critical for identifying environmental characteristics that mediate adaptive responses. For example, city size, age, and habitat connectivity may all contribute to the... Continue Reading →

New Lit Alert: Replicated, urban-driven exposure to metallic trace elements in two passerines

Replicated, urban-driven exposure to metallic trace elements in two passerines Marion Chatelain, Arnaud Da Silva, Marta Celej, Eliza Kurek, Ewa Bulska, Michela Corsini & Marta Szulkin Abstract While there are increasing examples of phenotypic and genotypic differences between urban and non-urban populations of plants and animals, few studies identified the mechanisms explaining those dissimilarities. The... Continue Reading →

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