Meta-analysis of Urban Bird Phenology

Humans have significantly impacted environmental conditions and landscapes for several decades through our urban expansion. These changes have produced selective pressures different from those present in non-urban areas. In response to these selective pressures, many species have diverged in physical, behavioral, and reproductive traits between their urban and non-urban populations. In addition, urban landscapes are... Continue Reading →

New Lit Alert: Phenotypic variation in urban environments: mechanisms and implications

Phenotypic variation in urban environments: mechanisms and implications M.J. Thompson, P. Capilla-Lasheras, D.M. Dominoni, D. Réale, & A. Charmantier Abstract In the past decade, numerous studies have explored how urbanisation affects the mean phenotypes of populations, but it remains unknown how urbanisation impacts phenotypic variation, a key target of selection that shapes, and is shaped... Continue Reading →

Los Angeles Lizards: Shifts in Morphology Associated with Urban Living

Ecomorphology describes how an animal’s physical traits (called morphology) match how it uses its habitat. It is assumed that ecomorphology results from performance-morphology relationships across different habitats. For instance, running speed (a measure of performance) could be affected by limb length (a measure of morphology), but this relationship varies based on habitat (e.g. type of... Continue Reading →

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