New Lit Alert: Does melanin-based plumage coloration reflect health status of free-living birds in urban environments?

Does melanin-based plumage coloration reflect health status of free-living birds in urban environments? Hani Amir Aouissi, Mostefa Ababsa, Aissam Gaagai, Zihad Bouslama, Yassine Farhi, and Haroun Chenchouni Abstract Background: Ecological functions and processes in urban ecosystems are governed by various human activities. City-adapted and city-exploiting animal species are expected to present certain specific behavioral and physiological... Continue Reading →

Video Recommendation: The City Animal Tier List!

The YouTube channel TierZoo makes a ton of cool videos about animals, specifically viewed through the lens of gaming, where they rank different animal species according to how successful they are at living in different habitats. Past videos have included lists of dinosaurs, sharks, and cats. However, I was recently thrilled to find they had... Continue Reading →

Pigeons as a Model for Ecological and Social Research

As a common urban bird, pigeons usually provoke strong opinions — people often either despise them or enjoy the daily wildlife interaction that they provide. While conducting an urban ecology study in Butte, Montana, Dr. Stella Capoccia noticed that because of their ubiquity, pigeons are often taken for granted as an important member of the urban ecosystem. This... Continue Reading →

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