Urban environment determines population genetics in the green toad, Bufotes viridis Viktória Vargová, Damiána Gužiová, Monika Balogová, Natália Pipová, Marcel Uhrin & Peter Kaňuch Abstract Heavily urbanized areas can hinder dispersal and gene flow between amphibian populations. Given the growth potential of urbanization, it is important to examine how this specific environment shapes their genetic... Continue Reading →
European Rabbits Have High Gene Flow in German Cities But Not Other EU Cities
Many organisms seem to do poorly in urban areas, and it is unclear which organisms will become extirpated in cities. Typically, organisms that are experiencing population declines are ones that we would think are negatively impacted by urbanization. However, this may not always be the case. Recently, Ziege and co-authors studied populations of the European... Continue Reading →
Evolution 2019: Population Structure, Genetic Diversity, and Genotypic Specificity in Flowering Time of Boston Area Dandelions (Taraxacum sp.)
Who hasn’t picked up a fluffy dandelion, blew a deep breath, and smiled as the seeds fly along on the wind? But did you know that those seeds are possibly clones of the parent plant? Dandelions (Taraxacum sp.) can produce seeds asexually, a process called apomixis that involves no fusion of egg and sperm. The... Continue Reading →