Artificial light at night (ALAN) is one of the most significant environmental changes of the past century.1 In 2020, there were approximately 361 million streetlights globally,2 and ALAN continues to increase at an alarming rate of 7%-10% per year.3 But how does this rapid expansion affect wildlife, particularly nocturnal creatures like bats? Research suggests that... Continue Reading →
Navigating towards a quieter urban environment: mitigating the threat of traffic noise
In today’s urban environment, the constant presence of traffic noise is undeniable, infiltrating even the most hidden corners of the woods. Previous studies have shown that this anthropogenic noise negatively affects the welfare of both humans and other species. The fact that even unborn organisms experience negative effects is a worrying development, emphasizing the urgent... Continue Reading →
Focus points for urban biodiversity conservation planning and design for birds, reptiles and amphibians
Urbanization is happening all over the world. Everywhere you look, you can see that cities are expanding and new cities are being built. This is often at the expense of nature. There is not a lot of room for vegetation in cities and more and more existing vegetation and farmlands are being turned into urban... Continue Reading →
Is urban plant phenology and physiology understudied when it comes to artificial light at night?
Increasing artificial light In recent decades, the urban population has grown exponentially worldwide, with the expectation that the urban population will continue to increase the next decades. As cities expand, so does the reliance on artificial light sources to illuminate the night. This increases the visibility for humans when it is dark, but it can... Continue Reading →
The many consequences of urbanization on an endemic Cuban lizard
As urbanization continues to reshape landscapes, its effects on wildlife have become a subject of growing concern. In the unique context of Cuba, a recent study focused on an endemic lizard species, Anolis homolechis, found in both natural and suburban environments. This in-depth study relied on adapted tracking methods deployed over several years and explored... Continue Reading →
Behavioral Differences Among Individuals of Rural and Urban Shrews
In response to human impact on the environment—from increased light, sound, air, and water pollution, to higher levels of interaction with humans—organisms must adapt to novel conditions in order to survive. One area in which organisms adapt is behavior. von Merton et. al. (2022) explores how the behavior and personality of two shrew species (Crocidura... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Going Wild in the City–Animal Feralization and Its Impact on Biodiversity in Urban Environments
Going Wild in the City--Animal Feralization and Its Impact on Biodiversity in Urban Environments T Göttert, G Perry Abstract Domestication describes a range of changes to wild species as they are increasingly brought under human selection and husbandry. Feralization is the process whereby a species leaves the human sphere and undergoes increasing natural selection in... Continue Reading →
New Lit Alert: Effects of urbanization on the trophic niche of the brown anole, a widespread invasive lizard
Effects of urbanization on the trophic niche of the brown anole, a widespread invasive lizard Zachary A.Chejanovski, Sean T.Giery, Jason J.Kolbe Abstract Urbanization is one of the most dramatic forms of environmental change with the potential to alter trophic relationships among organisms in cities. In this study, we combine gut-content and stable isotope analyses of... Continue Reading →
Social-Ecological Frameworks and What the Future May Hold
“There are ecologists in urban areas, and then there are urban ecologists” - Dr. Chris Schell This point made by my advisor (Dr. Christopher Schell) creates a clear distinction that there are urban ecologists who do not fully integrate social processes (nor the full human, e.g., perceptions, culture) in their studies. And there are urban... Continue Reading →
What’s Missing in Urban Ecology?
Urban ecology, although a burgeoning field, is becoming massive. In this field, there is much to think about when developing a question investigating the effect of “urbanization” on a particular species. Even within “urbanization” (which most urban ecologists recognize as just semantics and not a clear definition), there are many quantifications for this (see Moll... Continue Reading →
Urban Wildlife Spotlight: The Monk Parakeet
Monk parakeets Myiopsitta monachus Sometimes referred to as the Quaker parrot due to their quaking vocalizations, the monk parakeet is a small, green parrot with grey breast and head feathers accented with blue feathers on their primaries. In addition to their unique color, these birds can often be picked out by their noisy/screechy vocalizations.... Continue Reading →
How Do We Begin To Center Environmental Justice in Urban Ecology Research?
How Do We Begin To Center Environmental Justice in Urban Ecology Research?How Do We Begin To Center Environmental Justice in Urban Ecology Research? Urban ecology has many definitions depending on who you ask. An urban planner or a sociologist may define urban ecology as "the study of the ways that human and ecological systems evolve... Continue Reading →
Moving to the City: Morphology and Performance in Introduced Urban Lizards
Making the best of a difficult year With a group of other students here at Ohio Wesleyan University, I had successfully written a grant to research the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) in the south of France for the summer of 2020. Like so many plans that year, this trip was canceled. While the streets... Continue Reading →
Incorporating Human Society into Urban Ecology
Urban habitats and landscapes are considerably different from their rural and natural counterparts. Rural and natural habitats experience diluted human effects (e.g., disturbance, low pollution), while urban areas and urban wildlife endure more significant impacts from humans. When we think about the influence of cities and urbanization, we typically think of more "direct" impacts such... Continue Reading →
Urban Tolerance is Predicted by Brain Size and Behavioral Flexibility
Urban areas are dynamic, heterogeneous habitats that differ dramatically from your traditional “non-urban” habitats. These centers are complex, multi-level habitats that are full of interacting stressors. Additionally, urban habitats are fragmented via impervious surfaces and are subject to noise, chemical, and light pollution alongside human interaction(s). Humans (and their pets) directly and indirectly interact with... Continue Reading →