New Lit Alert: Variation in hematological indices, oxidative stress, and immune function among male Song Sparrows from rural and low-density urban habitats

Variation in Hematological Indices, Oxidative Stress, and Immune Function Among Male Song Sparrows From Rural and Low-Density Urban Habitats Christopher G. Goodchild, Isaac VanDiest, Samuel J. Lane, Michelle Beck, Hallum Ewbank and Kendra B. Sewall Abstract A central theme in the field of ecology is understanding how environmental variables influence a species’ distribution. In the last... Continue Reading →

Toxic Toads in a Toxic World

The Common European Toad, Bufo bufo, is a pond-breeding amphibian found throughout Europe, including in urban environments.  Ecological changes (e.g., predator communities) in anthropogenic habitats present novel challenges to the common toad, but abiotic changes (e.g., pollution) may also influence phenotypes in these landscapes. Nevertheless, we know relatively little about how these urban-dwellers (and specifically their toxins)... Continue Reading →

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