Some Thoughts on Urban Snakes

I'm partial to the creepy, crawly, scaly, slithering critters. I spend most of my time thinking about urban lizards, but recently started wondering about urban snakes. To my great disappointment, I wasn't able to find many recent publications on urban snakes, and most of what I did find looked at urban ecology and biodiversity, rather... Continue Reading →

Urban Observation of the Week: White-eyed Parakeets Feast on a Building in São Paulo I was recently browsing through Twitter and came across this fantastic tweet by Rafael Marcondes showing a flock of white-eyed parakeets (Psittacara leucophthalmus) gathering on a building in the Tatuapé neighborhood of São Paulo. Maisa Infante wrote the original post and explains that the parakeets eat the clay off the building's facade. White-eyed Parakeets... Continue Reading →

Cities and Behavioral Adaptations

It's clear that urbanization alters native animal and plant communities around the world. However, while some organisms become locally extinct as anthropogenic forces change the land, other species survive or even thrive in this urban landscape. A recent paper by George Perry reviews several cases of human behavior impacting the genetics of urban organisms. For... Continue Reading →


In light of recent events, particularly the murder of George Floyd, harassment of Christian Cooper, and unjust actions against protesters supporting the #BlackLivesMatter movement, we at LITC want to acknowledge the systematic oppression and racism that exists in our field. We wholeheartedly support the Black community and communities of color, and firmly stand against racism.... Continue Reading →

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